For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Dear Lord,
Hallelujah! He is risen! There is nothing more precious, nothing more glorious, nothing more magnificent than the hope You have blessed me with - through the death and resurrection of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Christ is life itself! For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life! Romans 5:10
The more I study and find treasures in the Scriptures, the more I begin to comprehend Your profound grace and lavish gift of love to sinners like me. The more knowledge and wisdom I gain from Your Word, the more I am in awe and reverence of Your holiness, Your righteousness, Your justice, and Your infinite, perfect love....which I have not even begun to scratch the surface of Your glory. Eternity won't be long enough for me to comprehend the magnificence of Your glory! That means, the best is always yet to come!
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him (John 3:16-17).
Lord, I know there was never a time where You did not exist. Before You ever made the world You already existed: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has infinitely existed, and it is far beyond what my finite mind can even begin to grasp. What Scripture makes clear is that love has always been an attribute of Your nature. You didn’t become a God of love, but You have always been a God of love. And the object of Your affection has always been Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You loved the world so much that You sent Your perfect, sinless, blameless Son to save a wretched sinner like me. The love that You have is so big, so tremendous, that it will take me all of eternity to understand.
Lord, You saved me from Yourself, by Yourself, and for Yourself. You gave me an escape from death and a way to life, and that is through believing in Your Son by the gift of Your grace.
The greatest evil that has ever occurred was used by You to bring about the greatest good imaginable – and that is the redemption of sinners all for Your glory. Everything, Lord, is all for Your glory!
The gospel is not Jesus plus anything. The gospel is just Jesus. The gospel is not “What can I do?” The gospel is “Jesus has already done.” I pray that people abandon any and all hope in themselves and in their own works and human merit, and trust in the person and work of Christ alone.
Hallelujah! He is risen! I want to glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and ever. Christ is life because God is love.
In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
Love, Jenna