The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29
Dear Lord,
Help me find peace and comfort in Your sovereign will. Even though I may not always fully understand it, help me to rest in Your sovereignty knowing Your plan is always a good plan for my life. Regardless of my limited understanding, I know I am called to trust in You with all my heart and to not lean on my own understanding or be wise in my own eyes.
Lord, for Your commanded will, I know the response is simple because Your commands are clear throughout the Bible. As a true believer I am called to obey what You command. I know it is meaningless to say I have faith in You or that I trust You if I choose not to do or follow what You say. Even though I may stumble at times, turn to my own ways, and choose my own will over Yours, please help me get right back on the path that You lovingly lay out for me in Your Word. I trust Your commands for my life, and so I desire to know them and to do them. Help me to always trust in what You tell me and prove my faith through loving obedience to Your commanded will. Lord, whenever I start believing Satan’s lies instead and fall into sin, help me to repent and get back to Your Truth. The Truth is what sets me free.
God’s Sovereign Will
Secret – known only to God except as revealed through history or revelation
It cannot be resisted or thwarted
It includes both good and evil
It is comprehensive and controls all aspects of life, time, and history
The believer is not commanded to know or discover what God has not revealed
God’s Commanded Will
Revealed in the Word of God
It can be obeyed, disobeyed, or resisted
It includes only that which is good and holy for the believer’s life
It is specific and provides principles for living and navigating life
The believer is responsible to know, understand, and obey what God has revealed in His Word through faith
I praise You for Your Word, Lord. The will of God is the Word of God. That is where I can find your revealed will for my life and be set free through faith in You - all by Your saving grace.
All glory belongs to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!
In Jesus’ Name I pray Amen.